A graph is specified at runtime on the command line with the sparql& data URL option, where URL is the graph's location. 可以在命令行用sparql&dataURL选项在运行时指定图,其中URL是图的位置。
To include a title header for the graph, use the title command 使用title命令添加图形的标题
To find the matching node select the MDX command and if the Link MDX to graph button is select the graph entry will be highlighted. 要找到匹配的节点,选择MDX命令,且如果选中LinkMDXtograph按钮,图形条目会被高亮显示。
Because the query uses the FROM keyword to specify the graph to use, it is necessary only to provide the location of the query file to the sparql command. 因为查询使用FROM关键字指定要使用的图,所以只需把查询文件的位置提供给sparql命令行即可。
Next, the graph is actually plotted or generated using the plot command. 接下来,使用plot命令实际绘制或生成图形。
Few products let a user draw a graph and, on command, convert that graph into a vector of numbers. 很少有产品让用户画图,然后在命令中将图像转为数字向量。
Using graph and tables to display grounding resistance data in the main interface and send a detection command after setting season coefficient. 在主界面上使用图表显示接地电阻数据,以及设置季节系数发送检测指令。